Dads Are Awesome! | Bay Area Family Photographer

Over the years I’ve been photographing families, I’ve seen lots of tips about “how to handle dads.” There’s an assumption that dads have been cajoled into a family photo session by their wives and would rather be anywhere else.

I disagree.

Maybe I’ve just gotten lucky, but most of the families that I work with have some pretty amazing dads - dads that are absolutely on board with doing a fun family photography session.

I’ll never ask dads (or anyone in the family, for that matter) to sit stiffly and awkwardly smile for me. I love to photograph dads doing what they do best - playing with their kids, being silly with their kids, and laughing with their families. That’s all I ask - just love your people, have fun with them, connect with them… and try to forget that the woman with the giant camera is there. ;)

In honor of Father’s Day, here are some of my favorite “dad photos” from this past year.

And I can’t forget my all-time favorite dad (hint: I married him)!